Pkcs11 ckr slot id invalid

By Admin Invalid slot number : 0 at pkcs11impl.provider.IBMPKCS11Impl.(Unknown Source) at Test.main( Exception.

You should list all available slots (C_GetSlotList), and then open a session for every found slot and serach for all certificates in all slots. When all certificates have been collected check them against the rules set up by your application and the context. Slot and token management functions - Cryptsoft Slot and token management functions. Cryptoki provides the following functions for slot and token management: ... or earlier PKCS11 compliant libraries, it may be necessary to successfully call C_Initialize or to ... CKR_OK, CKR_PIN_INCORRECT, CKR_PIN_LOCKED, CKR_SESSION_EXISTS, CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID, CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT, CKR_TOKEN_NOT ... Functions for Using PKCS #11 (Developer's Guide to Oracle ... Functions for Using PKCS #11. ... If is the only installed provider, then C_GetTokenInfo() returns the following fields and values: ... CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID. The following return values are relevant for plug-ins with hardware tokens: CKR_DEVICE_ERROR. CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY. keytool error: ...

... ( Caused by: CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID at (Native Method) at ...

Package pkcs11 - GoDoc Package pkcs11 is a wrapper around the PKCS#11 cryptographic library. Package pkcs11 is a wrapper around the PKCS#11 cryptographic library. ... CKF_EXTENSION = 0x80000000 CKR_OK = 0x00000000 CKR_CANCEL = 0x00000001 CKR_HOST_MEMORY = 0x00000002 CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID = 0x00000003 CKR_GENERAL_ERROR = 0x00000005 CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED = 0x00000006 CKR ... pkcs11.c - GNU 956: 957: if (pkcs11_get_token_info (module, providers[x].slots[z],: 958 &tinfo.tinfo) != CKR_OK (0UL)) 959 {960: continue;: 961} 962: tinfo.sid = providers[x].slots ...

PKCS11Exception load failed at at at deneme.AkisImzaImpl.dene(

errors / FAQs / PKCS#11 Provider / Core Crypto Toolkits ... A: This normally means that the application tries to use the PKCS#11 secret key with the Cipher implementation of another (software) provider. The software implementations try to get the key value from the key object to do the operation.

If specifying an incorrect slot number for a PKCS11CryptoToken the Status Summary fails and only displays "Error getting status". In the server log the cause can be ...

Functions for Using PKCS #11 This section provides descriptions of the following functions for using PKCS #11: PKCS #11 Functions: C_Initialize() ... pkcs#11 - SoftHSM2 java not working - Stack Overflow ... ( Caused by: CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID at (Native Method) at ... keytool error: | Oracle Community at Encrypt.main( Caused by: CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID at Method) at ... 2 more Like ... Net iD - PKCS#11 - SecMaker #define CKR_OK 0x00000000 #define CKR_CANCEL 0x00000001 #define CKR_HOST_MEMORY 0x00000002 #define CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID 0x00000003 #define CKR_GENERAL_ERROR 0x00000005 #define CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED 0x00000006 #define CKR ...